Important day-to-day topics accumulated from the last 1-1 meeting.
Structured feedback is an excellent ice breaker. Remember, providing good feedback creates an atmosphere of trust. Include the feedback's actionable outcome in the "New Steps" section at the bottom of the document.
Constructive feedback is an essential and valuable component of the overall feedback process. It plays a crucial role in providing individuals with valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. By offering constructive feedback, we can help others identify areas that may require further development. This type of feedback encourages growth and fosters a positive learning environment. It enables individuals to reflect and make necessary adjustments to enhance their skills and capabilities.
Praise and compliments are important for motivation and building positive relationships. By acknowledging someone's efforts and achievements, we can boost their confidence and encourage them to continue doing well. It's also crucial to recognize and appreciate the value of certain things that should be preserved, such as traditions, principles, and core values.
Think about the last 6-8 weeks. Even if we meet more often, it is worth trying to keep the higher time frame. Take 5 minutes to reflect and answer the questions below. Try to think of at least 3 things per prompt. Put one thought or answer per bullet in the “No Influence” category.
Consider: What patterns do you see? For the things that are working, why are they working? For the things that are blocking you, why are they blocking you? What about our ways of working might be contributing to these patterns (good and bad)? How might you be playing a role in what you’re seeing? How might your leaders be playing a role in what you’re seeing?